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a holistic approach to life that embodies the union of physical, mental and spiritual health


Group classes

At the moment there are no group classes


First class is free
Single class: €14
10 class pass: €120
1 Month unlimited: €100


What do I bring?

All the material is available in the studio.
You can always bring your own material if you feel more comfortable or safe.
Due to my love for our planet I kindly ask you to only bring reusable waterbottles.

What do I wear?

You need to be able to move, so where comfortable clothing. And warm socks are always a good idea.



My passion for yoga led me to India, where yoga originated.

At the foot of the Himalayas I followed my 200hr teacher training. I learned in India, that yoga is more than the physical exercises we do on the mat. In yoga we learn to connect again with ourselves, we learn to be conscious about how we feel. It's a state of mind, a lifestyle.


The feeling that yoga gives me, that feeling of inner peace and contentment, that I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be and everything is as it should be, that's what I want to share with you.



Which style suits you best? One person finds more peace in the mildness of yin yoga and another person likes the fixed structure of ashtanga yoga. If one style of yoga doesn't fit, it doesn't mean yoga doesn't fit for you. Trying and persevering are the key words.

Hatha yoga

Hatha yoga, the most traditional form of yoga. In these classes, we pay attention to several branches of yoga: meditation, mantras, pranayama (breathing techniques) and asanas. We start quite active and it gets quieter towards the end of the class. We work on both muscle strength and stretching and perform the poses separately, each pose is held for several breaths.

Yin yoga

In yin yoga, we stay in the same pose for 3 to 5 minutes, and sometimes even longer. Because of this, yin yoga is considered a calmer form of yoga but its intensity should certainly not be underestimated. In yin yoga we work more on the connective tissue than on the muscles, by fully relaxing the body we can stretch more and deeper. This makes yin yoga recommended for beginners, you get the time to perfect your pose and work the stiffness out of your body. By stretching our body we also loosen blockages, allowing our energy to flow better.

Yin Yang Flow


During this class we work on both muscle strength and flexibility. Yin Yang stands for the active and passive energy that we tap into during class. We start with an active vinyasa flow, one movement flowing into the other. We end with some quiet yin poses.

Private classes

A private lesson is completely tailored to your level and focuses on your comfort and goals. During group classes you get corrections in your asanas, but during a private class you can go deeper into this. Or maybe a group class is just too busy for you and you are looking for an environment that is less likely to distract you. During a private class, there is also more time to answer all your questions. Whether you are looking for more inner peace or a physical challenge, the class will adapt to you.

Yoga at work

Burnout, depression, stress, the pressure that is always on, the diseases of our society today. More and more companies are becoming aware of this and want to do something about it. Yoga helps with this. To find a way to lower your stress meter, to calm down when it all seems to get too much, to help you relax. Yoga at work adapts to the level and wishes of the group. You learn exercises that you can apply to your daily life afterwards, you learn to relax and enjoy life more. The where, when and how long can be completely adjusted to your wishes.

Any more questions or ready to meet up?

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